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About us

PT Atome Finance Indonesia

PT Atome Finance Indonesia is a Multifinance company established in Indonesia since 2021. We provide innovative financial solutions and technology that enable users to obtain financing with a fast and secure process.

Using a digital platform to connect customers with merchant partners both offline and online that have collaborated with us

Customers can apply for financing facilities online through applications that have collaborated with us

Offering financing products that can be used by partners in order to help customers / users to fulfill their financial needs

PT Atome Finance Indonesia is committed to providing the best service and experience for each of its partners by continuing to provide easy, safe and reliable services.

Kanmo Group
Kanmo Group


Become a reliable financing solution that contributes to improving the quality of life and welfare of the broader community, and supporting the government in achieving its financial inclusion targets in Indonesia.


Providing financial services to the public through professional and experienced human resources in the field of finance, efficient information technology systems, and strategic partnerships that mutually benefit all parties.

Becoming a financing company that can reach all layers and locations of society, and ensuring prudent credit distribution through the development of traditional credit initiatives and maximum utilization of technology-based credit initiatives.

Maintaining the trust of creditors and other stakeholders who collaborate with the Company.

Continuously improving the quality of the Company's performance and making tangible contributions to financial literacy in Indonesia.

PT Atome Finance Indonesia is a financing company that focuses on the development of information technology for easy access to financial services in the Indonesian financial industry.

With leading credit scoring we aim to be an accountable and user-friendly financing provider.

Informative and emphasizes the security of user's confidential information.

PT Atome Finance Indonesia has been licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in accordance with Decision No. KEP-419/NB.11/2021 by July 1, 2021.


Our Management

Board of Commissioners

Wawan Setiawan Salum
Ronald Tauviek Andi Kasim


Meri Ui
President Director
Vemil Meinanda Putra
Risk Management Director
Irwan Wirawan
IT Director
Chek Tee Tan
Business and Operations Director

Good Coorporate Governance

Our Report

PT Atome Finance Indonesia prepares a sustainability report, in accordance with Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 51/POJK.03/2017 on the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Institutions, Issuers, and Public Company



Information regarding alternative dispute resolution mechanisms through LAPS-SJK

Consumer Complaints Guide

A short guide to consumer complaints that is easy to follow

Publication of Complaint Handling

Publication of Complaint Handling PT Atome Finance Indonesia


National Financial Literacy Movement

PT Atome Finance Indonesia supports the National Financial Literacy Movement (GENCARKAN) initiated by OJK, aiming to enhance the synergy of financial literacy and inclusion activities, to create a more financially savvy and wise Indonesian society

#GENCARKAN #GerakanNasionalCerdasKeuangan

Copyright 2023 Atome. All rights reserved.
PT Atome Finance Indonesia
Treasury Tower Floor 16 Unit J Jl.
Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53 Lot 28,
Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, Kota Adm.
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, 12190
Customer Service Operational Office
Mandiri InHealth Tower Floor 3
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav. E-IV No.6, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12940
Operation Office
Kirana Three Office Tower Floor 7
Jl. Kirana Avenue, Kelapa Gading Timur, Kecamatan Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14240
PT Atome Finance Indonesia is licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

Customer Service
PT Atome Finance Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Atome paylater: (021) 50251717

Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Orderly Commerce
Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia
Whatsapp Directorate General of PKTN: 0853 1111 1010