Mooimom, comes from the word 'Mooi' (Dutch), which means beautiful. Mooimom was formed in 2015, by a young designer named Carolyn. As a mother of 3 children, Carolyn often has difficulty in finding quality products for pregnant and lactating women. Mooimom growing fast. Now, Mooimom's products have included postpartum bras, maternity belts, and corsets, and will continue to develop new, quality products. Mooimom provides comfort for every pregnant woman, convenience for all breastfeeding mothers, also restores the mother's confidence after giving birth, Mooimom provides the best, for mother and baby.
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3 easy payments,
0% interest.
3 easy payments,
0% interest.
Find a Store
MOOIMOM (Jakarta - Grand Indonesia Shopping Town)
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.1 RT/RW.01/05 Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310, DKI Jakarta, 10310MOOIMOM (Jakarta - Kota Kasablanka)
Lt.2 Unit 258 JL. Casablanca Raya Kav. 88 Jakarta Selatan 12870, DKI Jakarta, 12870MOOIMOM (Jakarta - Mal Kelapa Gading)
Jl. Boulevard Raya No.13, RT.13/RW.18, Klp. Gading Tim., Kec. Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, DKI Jakarta, 14240MOOIMOM (Jakarta - Pacific Place)
Lt 3 unit no 71A Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12190, DKI Jakarta, 12190MOOIMOM (Jakarta - Pondok Indah Mall 2)
Lt.2 Unit 222B Jalan Metro Pondok Indah Blok. 3B, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, 12310