RAJASEPATUKULIT.com is a store that specializes in fashion, especially quality shoes and sandals. RAJASEPATUKULIT.com was founded in 2010. They started as an offline store that serves wholesale and retail purchases. Along with market developments and demands, they develop and expand their network to the online and corporate markets to date. RAJASEPATUKULIT.com products use the originality of local brands that have been recognized and tested for quality.
Use Atome at Raja Sepatu Kulit to enjoy exclusive discount vouchers on Raja Sepatu Kulit products and/or services in Indonesia.
Simply scan Raja Sepatu Kulit in-store QR code or pay via the Atome App upon checkout. All new Atome app users will be entitled to a big discount.
Apply for Atome CardAtome does not charge any interest. If you miss a scheduled payment, your account will be suspended until the outstanding amount is paid. A late fee of Rp 50.000 will be charged for the first six days, and an additional of Rp 30.000 will be charged for any delays more than six days.
Easily track your monthly shopping expenses and payment notifications through Atome's mobile app. For more information, please refer to the Terms of Service.
3 easy payments,
0% interest.
3 easy payments,
0% interest.